Motion for a resolution on an EU Homelessness Strategy


Wednesday, 14 September 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this Resolution because I value its aim to find a solution for one of the most extreme forms of poverty and deprivation. Homelessness has increased in recent years in several EU Member States and is an unacceptable violation of human dignity. I believe that it is essential to involve all stakeholders, including national, regional and local policy-makers, in the fight against homelessness.

Considering that the fulfilment of the right to housing is critical for the enjoyment of a full range of other rights, including political and social rights, an important role should also be played by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). This Agency needs to work more on the implications of extreme poverty and social exclusion in terms of access to, and enjoyment of, fundamental rights. Member States must make progress towards the goal of ending street homelessness by 2015.



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