Interventi in seduta plenaria

Report on EU external policies in favour of democratisation

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Thursday, 7 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Report Véronique De Keyser

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report for its innovative point of view and because it calls on all EU institutions to use the dialogues for the partnership agreement in a more coherent manner. I fully support the proposal for the establishment of a forum bringing together national parliaments and the European Parliament to consider foreign policy issues, particularly on sensitive subjects such as human rights and democracy.

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Motion for a resolution on the preparations for the Russian State Duma elections in December

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Thursday, 7 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this resolution because it condemns the obstacles to political pluralism in the country. Russia remains one of European Union's most important partners in building strategic cooperation so it is important to condemn the great difficulty faced by the political parties in registering for the Duma elections in December.

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Report on Progress Mine Action

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Thursday, 7 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanation of vote:

Report Geoffrey Van Orden

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report because I value its aim to find a synergy between the various dimensions of mine action, with a special focus on humanitarian and development aspects.

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Report on the analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanation of vote:

Report  Bas Eickhout

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report because it calls on the Commission to come forward, as soon as possible and before the end of 2011, with a proposals to achieve a 25% internal greenhouse gas reduction by 2020. One of the key points of the text is its emphasis in calling for more investments in renewable energy and energy infrastructures.

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Report on increasing the impact of EU development policy

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Report Filip Kaczmarek (A7-0205/2011 )

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report because it highlights the role played by local and regional authorities and their networks in increasing the impact of the European development policy. The rapporteur reiterates that the quest for a strong impact policy should not only be focused on a purely quantitative and short-term assessment of the results.

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Report on the future of social services of general interest

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Report Proinsias De Rossa

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report as I value its proposal on the establishment of a high-level multi-stakeholder working group, co-chaired by the EP and the Commissioner on Social Affairs. I strongly support its final aims to identify and find solutions to the problems faced by users and providers of social services of general interest.

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The future of EU budget support to developing countries

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Relazione: Charles Goerens

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this report as it calls on the Commission to turn budget support to developing countries into its principal form of aid.

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Motion for a resolution on the revised Hungarian Constitution

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011 - Strasbourg

Explanations of vote:

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of this resolution because the actual draft of the new Hungarian Constitution is not acceptable. The Hungarian authorities should consider amending the new Constitution, particularly its preamble, so that it guarantees equal protection of the rights of every citizen, no matter which religious, sexual, ethnic or other societal group they belong to, and to include in it an explicit declaration on the separation of church and state.

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Report on European Urban Agenda and its Future in Cohesion Policy

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Thursday, 23 June 2011 - Brussels

Explanations of vote:

Rapport OldÅ™ich Vlasák

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − Mr. President, the report on the "European Urban Agenda and its Future in Cohesion Policy" stresses the fact that, further to the significant contribution of cohesion policy interventions to the development of urban areas, a range of other EU policies (such as environment, transport and energy) have a strong impact on urban development.

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Report on the Council recommendation for appointment of the President of the European Central Bank

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Thursday, 23 June 2011 - Brussels

Explanation of vote:

Rapport Sharon Bowles

Pino Arlacchi (S&D ), in writing . − I voted in favour of the candidature of Mr. Mario Draghi as next President of the European Central Bank for his great competence and his progressive view on the governance of the global financial system.

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Mi Presento

Benvenuti nel mio sito. Qui potete farvi un’idea di chi sono, e trovare notizie e documenti sulle mie opere e sui miei giorni.

Pino ArlacchiNon sono una persona complicata. La mia vita pubblica ruota intorno a due cose: il tentativo di capire ciò che mi circonda, da sociologo, e il tentativo di costruire un mondo più decente, da intellettuale e militante politico.

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I Padroni della Finanza Mondiale

I Padroni della Finanza Mondiale (copertina)
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